Thursday, January 12, 2012

There is a strange thing that happens to parents. Their lives before children disappear. Now you may remember a few tidbits that seem much more like a movie that you saw once or a book that you read (and then never returned to the library for all you can remember). It seems surreal and other worldly to think of the days when you were fewer.
That day that your first child was born you actually had two births. The other was rather un-heralded, the birth of your less selfish version may have escaped notice until a few minutes later when you needed something that could wait a minute, that baby needed to finish nursing those precious first minutes.You also had a death.
I believe that when we die it isn't the end of our self, we continue on in another sphere. Likewise our lives change when we become parents, we've entered a whole different realm- one that brings out the best in us as well as reveals those less than desirable traits we wish didn't exist. It is weird. Most of us recognize that we will never be the same but that forgetting thing that happens maybe hampers any logical comparison.
So celebrate the birth of a better, less self centered you, don't mourn the loss of what you were or had before your precious bundles were born- the sadness of death exists only in the separation, the change of spheres is no cause for tears . The life before you waits to open your eyes to the miracles and if you forget a few things......or a lot of things.....remember just this-"You are better today than yesterday because you have loved. Did you really have something better to do?"

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