Friday, January 9, 2015

Laundry and Wisdom

   So I thought I was being kinda savvy. I was tired of the ever so dependable Saturday night or Sunday morning emergency. "Mom! I need a white shirt !"
I was about to be brilliant. 
  I bought two brand new nice white dress shirts just a tad bit big and two black pair of nice pants. 
I trained the kid how to use the washing machine and set laundry day for him as Friday. I was doing so great. AND I was so like Mother Teresa that I offered to wash just the white shirt if he would simply put it downstairs in the proper bin every Sunday afternoon. Simple. Easy-peasy.
   Things went well for awhile. I was the organized, responsible parent- envision faint glow emanating from my head and parenting magazines wishing they had my private number. So Saturday afternoon I had a faint memory of putting a load of whites into the washing machine out in the freezing cold laundry room but strangely missing was the memory of putting them into the dryer. No worries- I'm supermom and this is under control. So I say to my child " You might want to stop pestering me for fun and go make certain you've got a white shirt ready for tomorrow. " (Insert memory of the Ace in my sleeve- the second beautiful white shirt. ) He leaves but appears a little later and life goes on. Fast Forward to Sunday morning - you youngsters that don't know what that is can ask your parents- It's almost time to go and the kid appears as a WWF star -topless and proud - and asks " Where's my white shirt?"
"Where did you leave it?"
"In my laundry basket in my room for you to wash- you did tell me to do something about it!!"
"Where's your other one?"
"I have no idea!"
I thought- still feeling the glow- "Well I guess you'll do things differently next time" Then said "Hurry and put on your nicest shirt and don't be late!"
Well, they didn't have enough deacons so the handsome kid in short ( but self laundered) church pants and a plaid shirt passed the sacrament and earned me several comments on how I need to get with it and get the laundry done sooner and even an offer to do my whites for me since I'm behind.
The kid learned that even if you don't do your jobs there won't be unpleasant consequences - as long as you're on time ! And I learned that if you care what other people think you best beware the urge to teach your kid self-reliance. Just lay down and eat some chocolate and wait for it to pass.

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